Sunday, December 31, 2006

Stamping New Year's Resolution

I'm not really a fan of the New Year's Eve/New Year's holiday. Both days are just two more days of the year to me. For one thing, I don't party, I don't drink and I'm not that social so I don't have any desire to go out. I've also had quite a few miserable New Year's Eve experiences so I'm more excited about going to bed than I am to celebrate the earth moving around the sun one more time, yet again!

So here I am, New Year's Eve, sitting in bed, playing on the computer, watching TV, about to go to sleep. Probably the same thing I was doing last year and the year before.

Since I am not a New Year's fan, I am also not into New Year's resolutions that much either. But I figured since I've got this whole "Stamping Blog" thing going I should make a few stamping resolutions and see if I can keep them. So here they are:

1. I am going to stop hoarding designer paper and embellishments and I am going to actually use what I have!
- If you stacked all my designer paper in a stack on the floor it would probably be 5 feet tall! I have far more embellishments than I have designer paper.

2. I am going to stop buying stamps simply because they are cute and I like them. I will only buy them when I know I will use them!
- Enough with the stamps that are unmounted a year later!

3. I'm going to have all my Christmas cards/stamped gifts done before November 1st!
- This sounds ridiculous, I know, but if you knew my mailing/shipping habits I have to do this in order to get them in the mail on time! I made hundreds of tags and gift boxes to give to some friends and family this last Christmas that didn't get shipped out. Pathetic... but hey, I guess I have a jump start on Christmas '07! Or....


Did I just say that? Oh boy, that last one is really going to be a challenge!

We'll see how this goes!

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